Monday, March 24, 2008

Beyond exhausted....

As much as I love my blogs being on the comedy side, with the work we are doing and things we are seeing, it is very hard to find any humor. The medical conditions of people here are appalling. We see kids who look 3 years old and they are 7 &8, 85% of the people we saw today have worms, we have already run out of medication. As kids are reading this blog as well as adults, I will not go into detail on much of what we are seeing but believe me I must have uttered the words "Oh, dear G-D this can't be real"!

During our lunch break today, which was "take out" delivered out of the back of a car and lord only knows where it was made, a boy about 9 years old came to us crying in pain. Turns out he was "coined". His mother took a heated coin and scraped it across his chest so hard repeatedly that his entire chest was bruised. This is done to keep the bad spirits away. It is done all over the body with coins or spoons, many of the women we saw today had bruises running down their necks from spooning.

Back to lunch, yes, I was so hungry that I actually took food from the back of a car, sat on a woman;s front porch and ate who knows what.....I have eaten food of of plates and utensils that I never thought in a million years I would do. I am WAY out of the comfort zone on this trip.

I spent the afternoon with the kids doing food & bike distribution. It was wonderful to see the faces of the girls receiving bikes light up.

The building team will be completing their first two houses tomorrow and from what I hear, the conditions for their team are definitely the harshest. The are building on the banks of the river, road to narrow to get supplies in so they have to haul everything. There are no bathroom facility's. I am thrilled to be on the medical team, but the builders say it is gruelling but the people so warm and friendly.

More to say and wanted to upload pictures but am dozing while typing so it is off to bed for me. Hope to get pictures out tomorrow.


Heidi said...

Sending you some energy through the internet... you can colapse when you get home. For now, keep doing this extrordinary work benefiting so many in need!
Kylor's mom,

Anonymous said...

You are all doing so well under the circumstances, I am very impressed. I would have run home cryingby now :))G-d bless you all.. yes coining is something I see every now and again at my job... justw anted to say hi and send a hug....

Anonymous said...

Such good work! and all the greater kudos for doing it out of your comfort zone.
I forgot how tired I felt at the end of each day there.